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Lindsay Wildlife Experience Seeks Carriers For Barn Owls

The wildlife hospital is caring for an "unprecedented" number of barn owl patients and needs more kennels to keep them comfortable. The Lindsay Wildlife Experience in California is seeking additional carriers for a growing population of barn owls being cared for at the wildlife hospital. The organization is specifically seeking new or slightly used plastic dog and cat kennels, measuring 20 inches wide, 30 inches deep and 23 inches high. Donors can donate via the organization's Amazon wishlist or email the hospital's hospital coordinators.

Lindsay Wildlife Experience Seeks Carriers For Barn Owls

Published : a month ago by Lucas Combos in Science

WALNUT CREEK, CA — A burgeoning population of barn owls being cared for at the Lindsay Wildlife Experience has the wildlife hospital in need of extra carriers to help transport and house the animals.

"This year, we've seen an unprecedented number of barn owl patients, likely due to an increase in their food supply," the organization wrote on Facebook. "These carriers provide a safe haven for our feathered friends until they're ready to take flight and be moved to an aviary."

The animal caretakers are specifically looking for new or slightly used plastic dog and cat kennels, measuring 20 inches wide, 30 inches deep and 23 inches high. Donors can pitch in via the Lindsay Wildlife Experience's Amazon wishlist or reach out to the organization's hospital coordinators by email.

Topics: Wildlife

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