The Oakland Grid Oakland

Levy Vinick Burrell Hyams


6 Reviews



When I was sexually harassed by someone with great power, I found that the human resources process was insufficient to meet my needs and interests, so I decided to look for a lawyer. Thankfully, I was called by a friend and contacted Sharon.

This was the first time I had contacted my lawyer. I contacted them by email and didn't think they would reply soon. Time is the essence of fighting, and Sharon understands it. Her reaction was very fast.

E Through emails and phone calls, Sharon has long been gloomy, advising and instructing the process of intermittently breaking through the relationship with HR throughout all stages. Sharon was able to help my employer get everything I wanted without standing in court. As a result, I got a creative solution, so I really liked it.

Before Sharon, I was completely absorbed in anxiety, despair, and anger. Sharon passed it all to me. In the darkest days of my life, she gave me a gift of peace and power.

Whenever I meet someone looking for a professional lawyer, I always call them to Sharon. Don't hesitate to contact her. I believe in me and I want her on your team. She is a man of unconjecture.


Sharon and her law firm are rare in the fields of employment and labor law.  Sharon represents ordinary people for corporate behavior and fraud.  Sharon shows that a million dollar company does not scare the law.  Justice wins!  
Sharon and her team are willing to work together and enjoy, to thoroughly investigate your case and explain it in detail.   If you are looking for the best lawyer possible...Don't look any more.


I consulted Sharon Vinick about the employment problem and she was wonderful. She helped me to understand the details of the papers, with both an incision and a depth of compassion. I was deeply grateful to her for her candor. She answered immediately when she received a follow-up question by email. I highly recommend her, and I don't think I need to rely on her again, but if I were there, I would be very happy to know that she was there.


I felt as if I were flying blind. Simply put: I needed to be more confident in the tense situation with my former employer. Sharon gave me a wonderful talk. As a result, I had the knowledge and confidence that I needed to show my best interests against the difficult conditions I had never experienced before. She is not only keen on the law, but she can also be around and predict newcomers who will come before they are blinded. She understood, experienced and caring. She didn't apply the sugar I chose, and I'm very grateful to Sharon for helping me out through the tough times at work. I feel good about the result.


I'm very happy to find Sharon.  She led me to a very honest and complex legal process, which I had no idea how to relate to.   As the best lawyer, Sharon took my place as a smart, aggressive, and candid advocate.  But what I didn't expect was her wonderful sense of humor, her compassion, and the spiritual support she gave through the process.  I couldn't recommend her any more.


I'm a pediatrician. Over the last decade, I have been in need of a few times the advice of experienced employment lawyers. Sharon was introduced to a friend when he was employed in a small hospital clinic that was acquired by a major conglomerate. I was pregnant at that time, and I was very concerned about losing benefits and changing contracts. Every time I turned the page, she was surprisingly helpful to me. Review the documentation and receive education about your rights. A few years later, we'll be fast forward...She helped me to make a fair and equitable contract with a new employer who has never signed a contract for anyone in the past. She was comprehensive and supportive. For many years, I have consulted with Sharon and have a calm perspective on the work challenges I have experienced. She was a very valuable asset to me and I introduced her many things. I strongly recommend working with Sharon Vinick.


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9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm