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The Comeback Kid: Trump’s Guide to Winning “Yuge”

Former President Donald Trump is doing better than expected in the polls right now — even while fighting legal battles. There’s no doubt that a victory is possible (but difficult) for him come election night. It’s possible that Americans may have déjà vu from the 2016 results. Amid legal turmoil, Trump is still campaigning. However,... Former President Donald Trump is performing better than expected in the polls, despite ongoing legal battles. Despite this, there are key things that he can improve on to secure more votes. These include addressing the current level of inflation and the state of the economy, which many are unhappy with. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased 3.3% in the past 12 months through May, but it still does not meet the 2% target of the Federal Reserve. Trump should focus on the inflation issue, which has been blamed on President Biden and Democrats' reckless spending. He should use his platform to appeal to independent voters and those middle-class voters by arguing that things will be cheaper. Additionally, he should make sure that he avoids wasting valuable campaign time in places like New York or California.

The Comeback Kid: Trump’s Guide to Winning “Yuge”

gepubliceerd : 3 weken geleden door Mallory Waligora in Politics

Former President Donald Trump is doing better than expected in the polls right now — even while fighting legal battles. There’s no doubt that a victory is possible (but difficult) for him come election night. It’s possible that Americans may have déjà vu from the 2016 results.

Amid legal turmoil, Trump is still campaigning. However, there are some key things that he can improve on to secure more votes. In a hypothetical world where Trump’s campaign team hired me to give some advice to secure a victory, here’s what I would say.

In terms of inflation right now, a lot of Americans are upset about creeping numbers. In fact, President Biden even admitted that he deeply regrets some mistakes he made with the “Inflation Reduction Act” — including naming it based on inflation rather than other topics addressed in the act including climate concerns. In addition to that, a lot of American consumers are upset about the current state of the economy.

“One year ago, President Biden signed the Democrats’ so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” into law, promising it would reduce inflation and make life more affordable for Americans. Unfortunately today, people continue to struggle more than they did when the president first took office,” House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy Rodgers explained.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased 3.3% in the past 12 months through May. Though consumer prices are slowling down after a peak of 9.1% in June 2022, the CPI still does not meet the 2% target of the Federal Reserve.

“The bottom line is that President Biden and Bidenomics has devastated our economy and devastated people working paycheck to paycheck. The highest percentage of Americans with the fewest dollars in their savings account for an emergency is now because of President Biden and Democrats’ reckless spending,” Senator Tim Scott remarked at a Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

Although bad for America, this could be great for Trump. Republicans are famously terrified of increasing taxes. Trump needs to emphasize this. Although some voters may be at odds when it comes to agreeing on specific issues with Trump — abortion, LGBTQ+, environmental issues, etc. — paying less money is generally a bipartisan belief. Who wants more inflation?

Trump could easily win a few independent voters and those in the middle by one simple argument: things will be cheaper. Of course, things are not always as simple as that, but this topic is one that Trump should talk about more on the trail.

There’s no need for Trump to go to every state on his trail. There are some that will never flip red for him. With the current legal issues he’s facing now, his time is limited. He needs to pick his campaign trail wisely and effectively.

A 50-state strategy shouldn’t be the plan for him. In fact, even a popular vote strategy shouldn’t be the goal either. His strength lies in winning small but mighty points from less populated, typically red-leaning states.

“The idea of wasting valuable campaign time in places like New York or California is both stupid and self-defeating. Donald Trump’s path back to the White House lies in winning the Electoral College, probably by the same margin he did in 2016,” Derek Hunter explained to The Hill.

With limited time on his hands, Trump must be selective and precise when it comes to campaigning around the country. It’s essential that he analyzes the 2016 election results and makes a well thought-out plan.

Branch out to other networks

There’s no doubt that FOX News is a major force in putting media out about Trump’s campaign. However, there’s other American voters that watch other news channels. Trump should try and get interviews on other news networks to boost overall publicity.

He could even have a little fun with it, maybe a late-night talk show where he could show off his personable side and crack a few jokes. His appearance on Jimmy Fallon — where the host famously messed up his hair to make sure it was real — served Trump well in favorability. It’s time to show off some of that “New York charm.”

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